Experience Us
Sundays @ 9:30 am
Welcome to Greater Gethsemane Ministries! This is a family, friendly ministry that enjoys exciting worship, serving, and increasing in God’s word together. If you are ready to understand the word in a more clear relevant way and mature in God like never before, this is the place for you!
Greetings in the name of Jesus our Resurrected King!
It is with great joy that we have the privilege to personally welcome you to Greater Gethsemane Ministries. What a joy it is to have you visit our website today! During these unpredictable times we are living through, I am still reminded day by day of how important it is to have a strong relationship with God, knowing that He has the power to bring us through and situation we may be facing. Our God is great and He continues to show Himself awesome and mighty in our lives.
Please free to join us in honoring the King. We are so glad you are interested in worshipping with us here at “Greater” and we pray that we will see you in service soon.
Until then, continue to grow Greater!
Dr. Reginald Thomas Sr., Senior Pastor
We have many ways to serve you!
New To Us?
If you are new to Greater Gethsemane we invite you to first learn more about our mission, vision, and how we are committed to your development and maturing in Christ.
Discipleship Class
The call to discipleship is the call that every Christian is to accept. It is not just for the pastor, evangelist, teacher, or missionary, we are all to follow Christ’s command. The only way a disciple of Jesus Christ can be made is by one who has been discipled using Jesus' method themselves.
Life Development Institute
Once you have gone through discipleship, you are ready to continue to the next stage of maturity as a believer. We offer several different classes to engage various parts of your experience as a kingdom citizen.