Life Development Institute
Class 101 Discovering Church Membership: Class 101 covers the topics of Salvation, Baptism, and Communion, along with the purposes, structure, and affiliations of your church. CLASS 101 will also help in reaching the un-churched for Christ and welcoming them into your congregation.
Class 201 - Discovering Spiritual Maturity: Class 201 focuses on the four basic habits every Christian needs to grow to spiritual maturity: Time in God's Word, Prayer, Tithing, and Fellowship.
Class 301 - Discovering My Ministry: Class 301 takes each member through a process to discover how their S.H.A.P.E. or a unique blend of Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences can be used in ministry.
Class 401 - Discovering My Mission: Class 401 is dedicated to helping your core members learn to openly share their faith, discover their life mission, and realize how they can serve both in your community and in the world.
Class 501 - Stewardship
Class 501 is a Biblical overview of Stewardship as defined by the Bible. Its goal is to introduce people to what God says in the Bible on how to handle God-given resources.